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Living Your Inlived Lfe
Dr Anna Dixon, Robert A Johnson and Jerry M Ruhl, ISBN 978-1-58542-699-1, Penguin, 2009
The Age of Ageing Better? A Manifesto for Our Future
Dr Anna Dixon, CO of the Centre for Ageing Better, ISBN 0-553-375505-9, Bantom, 1997
How Then Shall We Live?
Four simple question that reveal the beauty and meaning of our lives.
Wayne Muller, ISBN 978-1-4729-6073-3, Green Tree, 2020
This Chair Rocks, A Manifesto Against Ageism.
Ashton Applewhite, ISBN 978-1-9115545-26-2, Melville House, 2019
The Spirituality of Age, A Seeker's Guide to Growing Older.
Robert L Weber and Carol Osborn, IBSN 978-1-62055-512-5, Park Street Press, 2015
The Ten Steps Of Positive Ageing.
Guy Robertson, ISNB 978-1-4729-7280-4, Green Tree, 2020
Still Here, Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying.
Ram Dass, ISBN 978-1-57322-049-3, Riverhead Books, 2000.
From Ageing to Sage-ing, A Revolutionary Approach to Growing Older.
Zalman Schachter-Salomi and Ronald S Miller, Grand Central Publishing, Revised Edition 2014.
Come of Age, The Case for Elderhood in a Time of Trouble.
Stephen Jenkinson, North Atlantic Books, 2018
The Art of Ageing, Inspiration for a positive and abundant later life.
John Lane, ISBN 978-1-90032-273-7, Green Books, 2010
The Warmth of the Heart Prevents Your Body From Rusting, Ageing without growing old.
Marie de Hennezel, ISBN 978-1-447-20585-2, Pan Books, 2012
The Wild Edge of Sorrow, Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Grief Work.
Francis Weller, ISBN 978-1-58394-976-4, North Atlantic Books, 2015
Videos on ageing and living well in later life.
60 Minutes: Island where people live longer than anyone on earth
TEDxUCLA: The Formula for Successful Aging, Gary Small
TEDxBeaconStreetSalon: Thoughts Matter: How Mindset Influences Aging & Lifespan, Daisy Robinton
TEDxSouthBank: The unbearable lightness of ageing, Jane Caro
TEDxKingsCollegeLondon: Mastering time: A key to successful ageing, Claire Steves
Myths About Ageing: What’s Real?
101-year-old Irving Olson: The Secrets Of Successful Aging.
Jerzy Gregorek: "Keys to Youthful Living: The Power of Enough" Talks at Google.
Dr. Laura Carstensen: The Good News About Aging
Ram Dass: Conscious Ageing
Professor Janet Lord FMedSci: Exercise - the secret for healthy old age
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