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Sites Devoted to Ageing and Elderhood

Websites and portals devoted to all aspects of life after middle age arranged by geographic area

If you would like to add your web site please see the Contact page.

Please note that these are all English speaking sites.

Organisations in the United Kingdom

The Age Action Alliance: "network for partnership working and practical action to improve older people’s lives"

Ageing Well Without Children: “set up to focus on the issues facing those ageing without children, whether by choice or through circumstance”

The Age of Creativity: provides leadership, profile, advocacy and infrastructure development for everyone who believes in the value of creativity for older people.

Association for Education and Ageing (AEA): "Through AEA, professionals, volunteers, academics, researchers, tutors, policy-makers and older people work together."

Age UK: Advice, guidance and research on all aspects of ageing.

British Geriatrics Society: promotes excellence in the healthcare of older people.

The Centre for Ageing better: Our vision is a society where everyone enjoys later life.

Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA): “promoting the interests of older people through research, policy analysis and the dissemination of information.”

The Elders Council: evolved out of an organisation called The Older People’s Network and is Newcastle's older people's forum.

Elderly Accommodation Counsel: a national charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.

Independent Age: "We're here to challenge ageism and discrimination and tackle the inequalities that exist in older age."

The Office of National Statistics (ONS): The statistics of ageing

United for all Ages: “United for All Ages is a 'think-do' tank founded in 2010 to create a 'Britain for all ages', tackling big social and economic issues such as loneliness, ageism, care, health, housing and learning.”

The International Longevity Centre: “The ILC is the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, and what happens next.”

European Organisations

Age Platform Europe: The voice of older persons at EU level

EuroHealthNet: “By showcasing practical examples of health promotion interventions and identifying initiatives and key resources, the website builds awareness of steps required to make healthy ageing a reality.”

The European Network in Ageing Studies: "facilitates sustainable international and multi-disciplinary collaboration among all researchers interested in the study of cultural aging."

Organisations in North America

Active Aging Canada: "strives to promote a society where all adult and older adult Canadians are leading active lifestyles that contribute to their overall well-being."

Age International: We help older people living in some of the world's poorest places to have improved wellbeing and be treated with dignity.

Aging.Com: Seniors haven’t reached the end: they’ve reached a new beginning. USA

The American Geriatrics Society (AGS): is "dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of older people."

CanAge: "Our vision is for older Canadians to live vibrant and connected lives."

The Gerontological Society of America: the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of ageing.

HealthinAging: "a trusted source for up-to-date information and advice on health and aging, created by the American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging Foundation." USA

National Council on Aging: seeks to "improve the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling." USA

Nation Instute on Aging: "Disseminates information about aging and advances in research to the public, health care professionals, and the scientific community" USA

Senior Planet: "Our courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills" USA

Sixty+Me: Created for women, news, articles, videos and more. USA

Smart Living 365: "ideas and experiences that help to create a meaningful, sustainable, compassionate and rewarding life" USA

International Organisations

The Elders: "contribute to addressing some of the challenges of leadership, peace-building, inequality, exclusion and injustice in a rapidly-changing world."

Help Age International: "a diverse group of 158 like-minded organisations in 86 countries"

International Federation on Ageing: "to drive the agenda for the world’s population ageing."

Sage-ing International: "Sage-ing International is a nonprofit dedicated to providing life-long learning and service opportunities for older adults interested in spiritual eldering."

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Ageing: “Advancing health and well-being into old age; and ensuring enabling and supportive environments;”

World Health Organisation: Ageing and health

If you would like to add your web site workshop, group or retreat please refer to the Contact.

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