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Please note that these are all English speaking sites.
The Age Action Alliance: "network for partnership working and practical action to improve older people’s lives"
Ageing Well Without Children: “set up to focus on the issues facing those ageing without children, whether by choice or through circumstance”
The Age of Creativity: provides leadership, profile, advocacy and infrastructure development for everyone who believes in the value of creativity for older people.
Association for Education and Ageing (AEA): "Through AEA, professionals, volunteers, academics, researchers, tutors, policy-makers and older people work together."
Age UK: Advice, guidance and research on all aspects of ageing.
British Geriatrics Society: promotes excellence in the healthcare of older people.
The Centre for Ageing better: Our vision is a society where everyone enjoys later life.
Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA): “promoting the interests of older people through research, policy analysis and the dissemination of information.”
The Elders Council: evolved out of an organisation called The Older People’s Network and is Newcastle's older people's forum.
Elderly Accommodation Counsel: a national charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.
Independent Age: "We're here to challenge ageism and discrimination and tackle the inequalities that exist in older age."
The Office of National Statistics (ONS): The statistics of ageing
United for all Ages: “United for All Ages is a 'think-do' tank founded in 2010 to create a 'Britain for all ages', tackling big social and economic issues such as loneliness, ageism, care, health, housing and learning.”
The International Longevity Centre: “The ILC is the UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, and what happens next.”
Age Platform Europe: The voice of older persons at EU level
EuroHealthNet: “By showcasing practical examples of health promotion interventions and identifying initiatives and key resources, the website builds awareness of steps required to make healthy ageing a reality.”
The European Network in Ageing Studies: "facilitates sustainable international and multi-disciplinary collaboration among all researchers interested in the study of cultural aging."
Active Aging Canada: "strives to promote a society where all adult and older adult Canadians are leading active lifestyles that contribute to their overall well-being."
Age International: We help older people living in some of the world's poorest places to have improved wellbeing and be treated with dignity.
Aging.Com: Seniors haven’t reached the end: they’ve reached a new beginning. USA
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS): is "dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of older people."
CanAge: "Our vision is for older Canadians to live vibrant and connected lives."
The Gerontological Society of America: the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of ageing.
HealthinAging: "a trusted source for up-to-date information and advice on health and aging, created by the American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging Foundation." USA
National Council on Aging: seeks to "improve the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling." USA
Nation Instute on Aging: "Disseminates information about aging and advances in research to the public, health care professionals, and the scientific community" USA
Senior Planet: "Our courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills" USA
Sixty+Me: Created for women, news, articles, videos and more. USA
Smart Living 365: "ideas and experiences that help to create a meaningful, sustainable, compassionate and rewarding life" USA
The Elders: "contribute to addressing some of the challenges of leadership, peace-building, inequality, exclusion and injustice in a rapidly-changing world."
Help Age International: "a diverse group of 158 like-minded organisations in 86 countries"
International Federation on Ageing: "to drive the agenda for the world’s population ageing."
Sage-ing International: "Sage-ing International is a nonprofit dedicated to providing life-long learning and service opportunities for older adults interested in spiritual eldering."
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Ageing: “Advancing health and well-being into old age; and ensuring enabling and supportive environments;”
World Health Organisation: Ageing and health
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